Crossing the line…

…from being confident to arrogant

Confidence is the way you carry yourself. Arrogance is pushing others down, in order to put yourself UP. It’s okay to be proud of yourself, of your achievements. It’s even okay to boast about it a little bit, just don’t go overboard. Yes, sometimes we could get carried away -that we won’t be able to hold back our “cockiness” but then again we don’t need to push others down just to feel good about ourselves. If you know that you can do something, you don’t need to boast about it because for others to see what you are able to do, you have to know what you are capable of first. Be content about knowing that you’re good at doing something.

Be humble. The constant want of attention from others would fade away each day that you are content about being proud of yourself. Be comfortable with yourself and of what you’re capable of. Accept your mistakes, accept you failures and accept your weaknesses.

Life isn’t a competition. Don’t compete with others because you have different capabilities. Be humble of what you can do and accept what you can’t do with all your heart. Everyone would realize your greatness, without even trying to do so. Arrogance is thinking that you are above some else, that you are better than someone else. Confidence is knowing that no one is above or below you, that no one is better or worse than you.

“There’s a very thin line that divides confidence and arrogance, it’s called humility.”

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